Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Okay, so not many of you know
but I am absolutely 
with the Bachelor/Bachelorette/Bachelor Pad.
Call me pathetic, but I love it.
This season is hunky Mr. Brad Womack.
If any of you remember, he was actually on 
The Bachelor previously when he didn't choose 
Jenni OR DeAnna at the end of the season
which consequently made him one of the most
hated men across America.
However, I am rooting for the poor guy.
As we found out last night, he has taken 
long years of therapy and I really 
think he's capable of loving someone now.
Here are the girls I'm rooting for this season
(based on last night, which of course can definitely change in an instant
as we saw last season with Vienna)
Okay, first pick:
Ashley S.
(and no, not because we share the same name ha)
She's a way down to Earth girl who is really sweet
and genuine (she also got the first impression rose
which means she'll probably be around for a while!).

Her husband died if I remember right.
Right after he died she found out she was
pregnant with their child.
She seems very strong willed and also very sweet!

Lisa M.
I just like her!
No particular reason, she just seems cool haha
But we shall seeeeeeeee what happens!!
Any other Bachelor lovers out there? 
Who do you like the best?

OH and also...
What's up with THIS girl?!
That's like a 75983475984 out of 10 on the weird scale.
I've got a strange feeling about this one...
Can't wait to see what unfolds this season lol


  1. ash. you ain't weird at all. i'm in love with the bachelor too! AND I LIKE HIM. i don't think he should've picked those two girls if he really wasn't in love with them, you know? Just because it didn't end up fairytale! anywhoo. can't wait to see you in logan working at twizl!

  2. haha I agree! Yay for the bachelor :)
    can't wait to Twizl it up with you lol
